Driver training center

About us

We provide training for drivers, transport, and logistics specialists

The training covers all the areas necessary for employees working in the transport and logistics sector – code 95 training, C and CE driving categories training, and training of transport and logistics specialists.

In the Training Center of JSC “Vlantana,” a responsible approach to the preparation of new drivers prevails. By conducting training in the environment of a new logistics center, in a modern training base, with the help of highly competent teachers – instructors, we can ensure that the competence of drivers is suitable for successful and safe work on the roads.

In the auditoriums of the training center, you will find:

Modern teaching materials and tools
Interactive demo equipment
Training stands
Computerized learning places with the latest test and exam software installed
Competent teachers who will help, explain, convey theoretical knowledge, and find the most suitable solutions for the excellent assimilation of knowledge and skills.

For future drivers of categories C, and CE, vehicles that meet all the requirements for training vehicles:



  • MAN

  • Semi-trailers SCHMITZ


Code 95

This is an initial professional qualification or periodic training in the field of professional development for the carriage of goods and/or passengers. For future professional drivers of all European Union countries who want to transport goods and/or passengers for commercial purposes (i.e., for remuneration), it is mandatory to acquire code 95 and subsequently update their knowledge/qualifications every 5 years in special periodic training courses.

The purpose of the professional qualification program of code 95 is to update the driver’s knowledge and abilities about the loading and consolidation of cargo, rational and economical driving, to familiarize himself with changes in regulations and other regulatory acts that must be observed during the transportation and loading (unloading) of goods.

Initial driver training for code 95
Duration of training:150 h
The cost of learning:270 Eur
Periodic training of drivers for code 95
Duration of training:35 h
The cost of learning:70 Eur

Acquisition of categories C, CE

Training of drivers of category C
Qualification requirements:Drivers of vehicles of categories B or B and C1 at least 21 years of age.
Duration of training:The duration of theoretical training is 35 hours. The practical driving time is 15 hours.
The cost of learning:500 EUR
Prices for additional driving courses:1 academic hour of practical driving – 35 EUR.

Driver training for category CE
Qualification requirements:Drivers of vehicles not less than 21 years of age, category C.
Duration of training:The duration of theoretical training is 25 hours. The practical driving time is 15 hours.
The cost of learning:520 EUR
Prices for additional driving courses:1 academic hour of practical driving – 40 EUR.

Training for drivers in categories C and CE
Qualification requirements:Drivers of vehicles of categories B or B and C1 at least 21 years of age.
Duration of training:The duration of theoretical training is 42 hours. The practical driving time is 30 hours.
The cost of learning:800 Eur
Prices for additional driving courses:1 academic hour of practical driving – 40 EUR.


Eco-driving is about economical and environmentally friendly driving, which is very important for reducing pollution of the local environment, while at the same time reducing CO2 emissions that negatively affect the climate on the planet. Economical driving is a well-planned solution in traffic situations, the correct use of the forces acting on the vehicle, and the proper use of the achievements of modern engineering.

A smooth and economical driving style also leads to greater road safety.

Eco-driving training
Duration of training:The duration of theoretical training is 3 hours. The practical driving time is 1 hour.
The cost of learning:70 Eur
Prices for additional driving courses:1 academic hour of practical driving – 40 EUR.

Practical Skills Assessment (Test drive)

Practical Skills Assessment (Test drive)
Qualification requirements:Drivers of at least 21 years of age, category C or CE
Duration:Evaluation of the theory – 1,5 hours. Practical driving assessment 1,5 hour.

Training calendar

0000 00 00 activities of the day
  • 00:00 h.

Register for driving lessons

    Your data

    Available category and driver experience



    Additional information

    (Please submit questions and requests related to the organization of courses)

    UAB “Vlantana” training center

    Permission to organize training:

    Link to Google maps

    Mokymo centro vadovas: Žilvinas Dagys
    +370 640 11058

    Už vairuotojo mokymus atsakingas asmuo: Pavel Rubičev
    +370 640 11296